Durance - Precious Amber Perfumed Candle 180g


Durance - Precious Amber Perfumed Candle


Handmade and decorated in our workshops, this candle with sunny and hot accord will perfume your home as well as creating a warm and enveloping atmosphere. The result of true expertise, the ingredients used to make this candle are carefully chosen to burn cleanly and perfume beautifully.

Precious Amber perfume :
A precious, warm fragrance in which the deep amber notes become sweet and bewitching in contact with the vanilla and wood.

Explained by the nose :
Rediscover the full richness of this oriental perfume, sublimed with the fragrance of the coriander, vanilla and cedar found in the markets.

Burning time : About 40h
Library : Lounge, office
Season: Autumn – Winter
Family : Woody and Spicy
Ambiance: Warm and Enveloping

Shipping restriction:

This product can only be shipped to UK and European Destinations

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