Durance - Monoi Flower Perfumed Candle 180g


Durance - Monoi Flower Perfumed Candle


Monoi Flower Perfume
Some monoï white flowers, a few notes of vanilla and coconut…. Get away on holidays under the tropic sun and the shade of coconut palms…. A step closer to bring your home to an exotic paradise.

Durance scented candle
Handmade and decorated in our workshops, this delightful candle will bring an exotic atmosphere to your home. Our candles are the result of a true and traditional expertise with carefully chosen ingredients.

Burning Time : About 40h
Ideal for: Living room, Kitchen
Season: Spring – Summer
Famiily: Gentle

May provoke an allergic reaction.

Leave to burn for 1 hour minimum.

+/- 40H

Always leave at least 20 cm between burning candles.

Shipping restriction:

This product can only be shipped to UK and European Destinations

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