Anusol - Suppositories 24s
Anusol - Suppositories 24s
Anusol suppositories provide relief for internal haemorroids (piles) and other related ano-rectal conditions. Piles are swollen blood vessels inside the anus which can produce varying degrees of discomfort, itch and irritation, particularly during and just after a bowel movement.
The soothing action of Anusol suppositories combats the symptoms of internal piles while their antiseptic properties help to reduce inflammation and assist healing. Piles are caused by a number of different factors.
What are piles?
Piles (haemorrhoids) are swollen blood vessels which occur inside or outside the back passage (anus).
Some people have piles without experiencing any symptoms, but sufferers may notice the following:
- Bleeding: Although streaks of bright red blood on the toilet paper are not uncommon in people with piles, it may be sign of a more serious condition and you should see your doctor t