Durance - Precious Wood Perfumed Candle 180g


Durance - Precious Wood Perfumed Candle


The Durance scented candle :
Handmade and decorated in our workshops, this candle’s spicy and woody notes will perfume your home as well as creating an elegant and warm atmosphere. The result of true expertise, the ingredients used to make this candle are carefully chosen to burn cleanly and perfume beautifully.

Precious Wood perfume :
The richness and sophistication of an oud wood accord, subtly spiced for a warm and elegant ambiance. A desire to travel to a faraway land…

Explained by the nose : 
An invitation on a disturbing journey in the heart of a unique, precious, distant forest containing a fusion of rare woody species.

Burning time : About 40h
Library : Lounge, Office
Season: Autumn, Winter
Family : Woody and Spicy
Ambiance: Elegant and Warm

May provoke an allergic reaction.

Leave to burn for 1 hour minimum.

+/- 40H

Shipping restriction:

This product can only be shipped to UK and European Destinations

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