Durance - Tomato Leaf Scented Bouquet Diffuser 100ml

£25 £32

Durance - Tomato Leaf Scented Bouquet Diffuser


Durance Tomato Leaf
The Tomato Leaf Fragrance fragrance will bring crisp & sunny notes to your interior thanks to its musky and fresh fragrance.

The Durance scented bouquet
Refined and elegant, this Scented Bouquet will keep your home constantly perfumed with refreshing and sunny notes. Delicately arranged in a glass bottle, the rattan sticks absorb the perfume and then release it gradually over several weeks.

Ideal for: Living room, Entrance Hall, Kitchen
Season: All Year
Fragrance Family: Fresh & Citrusy
Duration: +/- 1 month

Shipping restriction:

This product can only be shipped to UK and European Destinations

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